Search - Words

As well as searching for specific card constraints, you can search on text anywhere in the complete card/rulings database.

Enter a list of words in the text box to search on. Separate each word with a space.

You can restrict where the text search is applied. For example, if you only want to find cards with a creature type of 'Merfolk', select Card type lines.

You can complete three kinds of text searches:

  • Exact: each word entered is searched exactly. For example, an exact 'red' search would find a card with 'red cost' but not 'reduce'.
  • Prefix: each word is matched as a prefix. For example, a prefix 'red' search would find a card with 'red cost' and card with 'reduce'.
  • Special: normally, the exact text entered is searched as specified. With this option, you can use special characters at the end of the word to qualify each word with different meaning. The special characters are:

    You can change the 'Search type' as well: either all of the words must exist in the document, or any of the words must occur.

    Word separators

    Some characters are not searchable, since they represent word separators. 'Space' is such a character, as are:

  • < > \ " ' . , ;
  • : / | \ \ ! @ # $ % ^ &
  • ( ) [ ] - _ = { } ~ `

    If you enter any of these characters in the word search, they are treated as spaces in effect.

    Word list & history

    You can select words from a list of popular entries by tapping on the 'W' button beside the word text field. Or, you can select from a hsitory of past word entries by tapping on the