Product Requirements
Magic Scout has the following computer and device requirements:
Palm OS Handheld:
- 160k of main device memory for the Magic Scout program.
Magic Scout must be installed in main memory. This Help file
can be removed, or put on media slot memory (see
version info).
- 4.5 megabytes of main memory or media slot expansion memory
for the generated Magic Scout databases. The Windows Generator
program builds the databases from public Magic™ sources,
and lets you specify where the files are installed.
- A Palm device running Palm OS 3.5 or higher. This supports
all recent Palm devices in the last few years, from the Palm IIIc
and forward. Colour devices are supported, and are recommended,
but not required.
- Palm Desktop synchronization software, or manufacturer's equivalent.
You must synchronize your handheld device at least once prior to running
the Magic Scout Generator.
Windows desktop:
- 1 megabyte of hard disk space for the Generator program.
- 5-7 megabytes of hard disk space for each downloaded and built
Magic™ database.
- Microsoft Windows 98 or higher.
Pocket PC devices:
Now we support Pocket PC devices! CLICK HERE for details.
Card Index
Magic Scout includes a complete tree index of all Magic©
cards. Using our index, you can quickly drill down to any card in
just a few taps. The image sequence below shows our card index,
starting with the main Card Listing. In three taps we drill
down to the card 'Fecundity'.
Rules Index
All the latest Magic© rules are included in Magic Scout. From the main
screen, tapping on the 'R' icon brings up the rules index. You can drill down
into any ruling quickly, or use the glossary to look up rulings by name.
Card Rulings
Each card includes the official errata and card text, but Magic Scout also
includes all the specific card rulings from Wizards of the Coast© and
other official sources. The card rulings are linked to the main rules, and
other cards, as required.
Trading Prices
Magic Scout incorporates public trading prices for Magic© cards into
our card listing. Where available, the latest eBay trading prices are listed
with every card, by expansion and set.
Advanced Search
Magic Scout includes extremely powerful and fast search capabilities. Dozens of
of card and rule characteristics have been indexed, allowing detailed searches
that execute in a few seconds. For example, the sequence of images below
shows four search windows with constraints that matches the following
conditions: blue creatures with power greater than or equal to three that
are valid in Extended tournaments, that have the word 'sacrifice' in the
main card text:
Database Updates
Magic Scout does not directly include any Magic© data. Instead,
it includes a Windows desktop computer program (Magic Scout Generator)
that collects all the information from public and sanctioned Internet
web sites. This data is then built into our compact and efficient
Palm database format that can be viewed by Magic Scout on your
Palm OS handheld.
We search the Internet for the best public and available Magic©
databases, making them available to you for Magic Scout. All of the public
databases we find are made available on our web site in their original
format (see Databases for more information).
As new cards, rulings, and price sets are available, we publish
new Magic Scout databases on our web site that you can download and
install. Since different providers of Magic© databases come and go,
we strive to make the most current public data available is downloadable
for Magic Scout. Simply run the Magic Scout Generator to see the
most current databases available for download and installation.